Friday Full Day Workshop 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

1.”No – YOU calm down!”  How to Stop Yelling and Find the Calm Equanimity to Parent Peacefully.

Alyson Schafer, MA, Author, TV Host, Private Practice, Toronto, Canada

We will use experiential exercises for participant self discovery of what makes them upset and how to calm down using new insights from neuro-biology and the old wisdom from mindfulness mediation.  We will learn to use the Adlerian concepts of private logic, personality priorities and most memorable observation.  We’ll explore the mind/body/emotion connections, and explore how mindfulness mediation can be a tool to reduce our reactivity to our children, to quiet our monkey brain’s defeating thoughts and get on with having more joy in the family.

  1. Does your Life Have “Style”? – Spark Your Creative Power, Enhance Your Well Being, and Contribute to the World We Share

Pepper Sarnoff, MA. MS, LPC, LMFT, Private Practice, Charleston, SC

How we live & how we die, and how we handle everything in between is reflected in our unique style of life. Adler knew that the creative power of the individual was at the heart of social evolution so let us explore ways to effectively examine, nurture, encourage, and express the uniqueness of our life, relationships, and our therapy as our ART in ACTION.

3.  The Roadmap to Comprehensive and Ethical Supervision: Adlerian-Based Strategies

Susan Belangee, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, ACS, Diplomate NASAP, Canton, GA

Michele Frey, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, ACS, CPCS, Diplomate NASAP, Dallas, GA

Participants will learn the Roadmap to Comprehensive & Ethical Supervision developed by the presenters and review basics of Adlerian psychology integrated into the mode. The majority of the workshop focuses on application of Adlerian concepts and the development of a supervision process that is unique to each participant. Teaching will include lecture, demonstrations, dyads, & small group discussion.

4.  Multiple Setbacks, Relapses, or Continuations are not by Chance

Jim Holder, MA, LPC, MAC, Private Practice and International Trainer, Florence, SC

The research is clear. Habitual relapses with all forms of addiction and other types of health problems have a common connection.  NEGATIVE CHILDHOOD EVENTS AND MEMORIES ARE THE KEYS.  These memories, or lack of memories, are the key to understanding a person’s lifestyle that sets them up for these multiple setbacks.  When the problem appears to be with computer games, I-phones, sex, substance, food or other addictions a need to deal with core issues and stressors is required to establish and sustain a healthy recovery.

Friday AM Half Day Workshop 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

 5.   Adaptive Reorientation: An Adlerian Treatment Model

 Erin Schuyler, Psy. D., Clinical Psychologist, WJB Dorn VA Medical Center, Columbia, SC.

The Adaptive Reorientation model of Adlerian treatment will be presented.  Included will be the objectives in counseling and the importance of reorientation.        Topics will include the lifestyle assessment, early recollections and their role in reorientation.  Attendees will be taken through the phases of treatment and provided strategies for prompting psychological change. Demonstration and practice will be included.

 6.    Counseling Individual Adults

  Francis X. Walton, Ph.D., Consulting Psychologist, Chapin, SC.

 The presenter will relate principles of Adlerian psychology to  counseling with adults.  Subsequently he will demonstrate  the use of seven questions that have proven  valuable to helping formulate important aspects of the client’s belief system.  The presenter will relate aspects of the  client’s belief system to his or her presenting problem.  Participants will have the opportunity to use the approach under supervision.

Friday PM Half Day Workshop 1:30 – 5:00 pm

7.  Adlerian Case Conceptualization

Jon Sperry, Ph.D. Asst. Professor of Psychology, Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL

This presentation describes a step-by-step strategy and process for developing a concise, accurate, and compelling case conceptualization and treatment plan based on the client’s basic pattern of movement which integrates other key Adlerian constructs.  A clinical formulation includes a tentative hypothesis about causative factors of psychosocial difficulties, while a treatment formulation links the case conceptualization to treatment plan objectives. Case videos will be used to illustrate the elements of case conceptualization.

8. Lifestyle Investigation in Couples’ Therapy: From Competition to Cooperation

Calvin D. Armerding, MA LPC Senior Assoc., Travelers Rest Couns. Assoc. Travelers Rest, SC

When marriages/partnerships become difficult, points of conflict and frustration can be understood as an expression of the lifestyles of the individuals involved.  The investigation of lifestyles in couples’ counseling is an underutilized approach that can improve understanding and empathy, which are vital components of building cooperation between partners.  Specific strategies will be discussed and demonstrated.

Saturday 75 Minute Presentations

Therapeutic Adlerian Group Drumming

Jon Sperry, Ph.D., Asst. Professor of Psychology, Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL

Drum and Music therapy are holistic interventions that assist individuals and groups to foster social interest and well-being.  Rhythm and music can help individuals experience joy and connection to others.  As individuals move through time and circumstance, they have the choice to cooperate (maintain rhythm with others) or focus on self-centered striving (being out of rhythm). This presentation will review evidence-informed therapeutic group drumming interventions that can be used for self-care or with clients in a therapeutic setting.

Most Memorable Observation

Francis X. Walton, Ph.D. Consulting Psychologist, Chapin, SC

The Most Memorable Observation is an Adlerian technique that employs autobiographical memory in the process of understanding aspects of the client’s belief system.  This technique, developed by the presenter, has proven to be a powerful means of formulating aspects of the client’s belief system relative to the presenting problem.  The presenter will lecture briefly, demonstrate, and offer opportunities for application of the technique.

An Introduction to Adlerian Psychology

John Arnold, Ph.D., Senior Executive Consultant, First Sun EAP, Columbia, SC

For those new to Adlerian Psychology, this presentation will provide an overview of the life, work and psychological theory of Alfred Adler.  Adler was a contemporary of Sigmund Freud, but his psychology would take a different direction than Freud’s psychology.  Goal-oriented behavior, belonging, private logic, social interest and courage are just some of the important elements of Adler’s theory.

Adler in 5 Minutes!  (or a little bit longer. . .)

Les White, Psy.D., Harold Washington College, Retired, Adj. Prof. Adler University, Chicago, IL

“Adler in 5 Minutes!” reviews the major Adlerian concepts – in a quick five minutes! – and then introduces a variety of experiential games to further understand them.  The presentation includes a fun and simple demonstration of how to conduct a brief Lifestyle – with a member (or two) from the “audience”.

Adlerian Play with Children

Lindsay Hill, M.Ed., NCC, LPC-I, Travelers Rest Counseling Assoc., Travelers Rest, SC

Therapists who work with children can feel stuck utilizing traditional talk therapy strategies, in part because many children communicate primarily through non-verbal means, including play.  This presentation will provide an overview of Adlerian play therapy, practical tools for understanding and using metaphors during play, and strategies to help clients “work through” challenges to help them regain emotional and social health.

Utilizing a Contextual Historical Relational Lifestyle Assessment (CHRLA):  A Counseling Demonstration

Thomas Garcia, LMJC, CAP, MAC, ACS, Tampa, FL

This presentation will demonstrate the use of the Contextual Historical Relational Life Assessment (CHRLA), a specific technique with roots in Adlerian psychology that can assist clinicians and other healthcare providers during the initial client interview.  The counseling demonstration will explore the client’s historical relevance of early relationships.  Narratives and personal “fictions” pertaining to the client’s private logic will be explored.

Paving the Way for Social Interest in Young Children

Cindy Walton-McCawley, M. Ed., Coordinator, Adlerian Child Care Centers, Columbia, SC

Parents of children from birth to age 5 are in the unique position to lay the foundation for their child’s development of social interest.  This presentation will offer a brief overview of Adlerian Parenting Theory.  Parenting techniques that promote children to develop responsibility, cooperation and concern for others will also be discussed.

The Fabric of Loving Relationships

Mel Markowski, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

“LOVE” is a term that has been misused so frequently to describe so many things that is has lost the essence of being a human virtue.  A philosophical and psychological definition and the processes of developing and maintaining loving relationships will be articulated and discussed. Additionally, love as described by young children and by happily married couples, will be presented.

Ha, Ha & ha* Revisited

Robert McBrien, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus & Diplomate in Adlerian Psychology, Salisbury, MD

Revisiting Mosak’s book on the role of humor in psychotherapy updates Mosak’s use of humor back in 1987.  Updates include applications from biopsychosocial, neuroscience and resilience science.  Adlerian fundamentals, especially encouragement, bolstered by Positive Psychology based studies, remain key to the effective integration of humor in counseling in 2019.  Participants offer “real world” examples of using humor in counseling.

A Holistic Understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Diane Snyder, Psy.D., Asst. Professor of Psychology, Bethany College, Bethany, WV

Much of the prevailing treatment for autism spectrum disorder focuses on a reductionistic approach.  In this presentation we will take a more encouraging approach toward understanding autism.  The presenter’s original phenomenological research will be discussed as a framework toward a more holistic understanding and treatment of autism.

An Adlerian Perspective on Dreams

Carey Washington, PhD Licensed Counseling Psychologist, Columbia, SC

Adler believed that dreams are important and serve as a tool to problem-solving during our awaken life.  Participants will be able to share the importance of dreams in their life and discuss the concept of frequency and input of dreams on one’s personal life.

Improving Clients Health Through Adlerian Psychology

Jim Holder, MA, LPC, MAC, Private Practice and International Trainer, Florence, SC

Behaviors that trigger the pleasure centers of the brain such as teens and adults playing computerized games, substance use, porn, and over use of medications have a common link and a need for in-depth therapy, in order to establish a healthy lifestyle.  Professionals often find themselves feeling irritated and at times exhausted with clients who have continual setbacks.  There is a therapeutic way out.

Stamp Method For Examining Early Recollections

Gary Bauman, Ph.D., Grad. Coordinator, Assoc. Prof. Psy. Dept. Brenau Univ. Gainesville, GA

Adlerians commonly employ the use of early recollections to examine the lifestyle and private logic of clients in order to better understand ways of encouraging such clients to address challenging issues.  This presentation will demonstrate an approach to exploring early recollections using the acronym “STAMP: as a process to go through in examining and understanding the significance of these memories.

The Truth About Psychotherapy Notes: Progress Notes vs Process Notes

Michele Frey, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, ACS, CPCS, Diplomate NASAP, Dallas, GA

This presentation will focus on the 2000 HIPAA ruling that clarified the use of psychotherapy notes and their special protections not afforded progress notes.  There will be some lecture and some interactive work in dyads & triads.  Ethical standards will include ACA **APA, NASW, and AAMFT codes of ethics.

Present Like a Pro:  10 Advanced Presenter Techniques for Taking Adler to the World More Effectively

Kevin E. O’Connor, MA, CSP, LCPC, LMFT, NCC, Faculty, Loyola Univ. of Chicago, Long Grove, IL

Adlerians are often called upon to teach and influence groups who may be unfamiliar with the principles and uses of Adlerian psychology.  How well we present, our comfort level and connection with the audience, and the techniques we use to influence are vital to delivering the Adlerian message.  We will examine some of the advanced principles of excellent presentations and presenters including how to become an audience-centric presenter; how and when to use media, humor, and audience interaction; how to quickly create community in a learning environment; and other specific tips, tricks and techniques to make your next presentation better.

Resiliency:  Prevention and Intervention for Traumatic Responses

Mary Jamin Maguire, MA, LP, LICSW, Adler Center for Family & Community, Minneapolis, MN

This presentation will include a definition of trauma, and a discussion about why some events are experienced as trauma for some people but not for others.  It will also include a definition and discussion about resiliency:  what is it, and why are some people resilient when others are not.  In addition, ways to build resiliency will be presented and discussed.

Harness the Power of Facebook and Social Media to Grow Your Practice

Corbb O’Connor, Consultant for the American Assoc.  for Physician Leadership, Minneapolis, MN

Being active on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter doesn’t mean that you have to open your personal life up to your patients and the world.  Armed with a new mindset and practical techniques that fit a busy lifestyle,  you’ll see  how a few minutes a day can propel your business and love for Adler with the super-computer in your pocket.

Simplicity is the Key for Family Counseling Success

John A. Shalhoub, LPC. NCC. MHC. GC., D. Min., Ph.D. U. S. Navy Commander Chaplain, Ret. NC

The presenter developed a pragmatic simple approach to family counseling in order to overcome the myriads of problems that are undermining married life. The irony of success in family counseling is simplicity and simple talks with the patient in a simple language – “To talk, to listen and to have genuine intent.”  His counseling style is based upon the belief that behavior is goal directed and inferiority stands in the way of healing and reconciliation.

Overcoming Learning difficulties:  An Adlerian Perspective

Sonia Nicolucci, MA, Parent Educator, Consultant, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mental Capacities are no longer considered fixed in nature, but transformable.  Through the lens of Adlerian Psychology, Play Therapy, and Neuroplasticity, this presentation will explore various means in supporting children currently & subsequent to having learning difficulties.

Implementation of Positive Psychology Techniques at Home and Work

Kim Allen, Ph.D. BDD CFLE, Assoc. Prof. and Ext. Spec. Dept. of Agr. and Hum.  Sci., NC State Univ Raleigh, NC and Christopher Allen, Master’s student in Training & Dev., NCSU, Raleigh, NC

Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology has been cited as the “original positive Psychology.” (Watts, 2015)  Gemeinschaftsgeful, or community feeling is a central tenant of Adlerian theory and strongly connected to the application of positive psychology. This session will present basic constructs of positive psychology, including happiness, well-being, strengths, and flourishing, and connect those to the application of supporting people to reach their potential at home and work.  Participants will learn about and practice Active Constructive Responses as well as Seligman’s PERMA model and a variant of techniques.

How to do Fusions Using the “As If” Technique for Clients with Dissociative Identity Disorder – A  Few Case Studies

Irina Cromer, L.I.S.W. – C.P., Therapist,  Columbia, SC

One of the biggest challenges for practitioners working with clients diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder is doing fusions. In this presentation you will learn how to use the “as if” technique and bypass

abreaction, the technique that is historically used for fusions.  The technique will be described though the use of a few case presentations.

Ethics:  Lifestyle, Blind Spots and the Un-understood

John Arnold, Ph.D., Senior Executive Consultant, First Sun EAP, Columbia, SC

In their book, “Blind Spots”, Bzerman and Tenbrunsel depict how easy it can be to slide into acting unethically without meaning to.  Rote learning of professional codes of ethics appears to be of little help.  Understanding the personal priorities identified in lifestyle and accommodating for individual fictions can help clinicians avoid the first steps of an ethical slippery slope.  Let’s talk lifestyle and ethics!

“Fun”tastic Adlerian Techniques for Change

Rob Guttenberg, MA, LCPC,, Diplomate, NASAP, Jewish Social Services Agency, Rockville, MD

This presentation demonstrates the power of jokes, metaphors, stories, songs and experiential exercises usable with diverse populations in a variety of settings.  We will apply these techniques to parenting, counseling and personal growth through an Adlerian lens.

Sunday Workshops 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

A. Being in the Moment

Bonny Buckley, MA, Expressive Therapies & Mental Health Coun., LPCS, NCC, Greensboro, NC

In this workshop we will explore the history and various benefits of Mindfulness, connections from an Adlerian perspective, as well as experience different ways to practice (by choice and comfort level) being more mindful and “Being in the Moment.”  All experience levels are welcomed.  Participants are encouraged to dress comfortably.

B.  Creating Equality: An Adlerian Approach to Relationships

Pearnel Bell, Ph.D. Clinical Psy., Private Practice, Jamaica, David P. Sarnoff, PhD, Lic. Psy., ABPP, Capella Univ., Charleston, SC, Pepper Sarnoff, MS, MA, LPC, LMFT, Priv. Prac. Charleston, SC

Adler said, “Equality is the ironclad principle of social living” and is the foundation of democratic living. Integrating Individual Psychology concepts of Encouragement, Social Interest, Inferiority, Superiority with Systems Theory and development research, we examine equality in our intimate relationships, friendships, and work.  Using didactic and experiential methods we collaboratively examine equality from 21st century perspectives of gender, race, culture and identity, with applications for counseling.

C.  Tools for Assessing Pre-Marital and Marital Relationships

Mel Markowski, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

This workshop will introduce a method for assisting individuals preparing for marriage or married individuals seeking therapy.  Materials used and discussed will be the Taylor Johnson Temperament Analysis, the Primary Perceptual Modality Inventory, the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and an Adlerian process of eliciting and using First Date Recollections and Fantasies.

D.  Navigating the Day to Day Ethics of Counseling and Social Work

Phil Morris, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, Jennifer H. Brock, LMSC, Assoc. Dir. Coun. & Career Services, Mid.  Tech, Columbia, SC

This workshop will present an overview of the ethical constructs of the counseling and social work professions from an Adlerian perspective.  Various Scenarios will be presented and discussed in an interactive fashion with a focus on developing a model for making ethical decisions.

E.  Relationships, Boundaries, Emotions & the Purposefulness of Conflict

Gary Bauman, Ph.D., Grad. Coordinator, Assoc. Prof. Psy. Dept., Brenau Univ., Gainesville., GA

Adler identified intimacy as one of the life tasks and indeed it is a task that requires social cooperation.  The problem in most relationships is that individuals are bent on pursuing their own private goals without often being aware or mindful of the goals of their partner.  These hidden agendas lead to boundary violations and emotional reactivity.  Adlerian couples counseling principles will be discussed and demonstrated.