Alfred Adler (1870 – 1937) was a contemporary of Sigmund Freud, but developed his psychological theory in a very different direction than Freud.  Adler emphasized the unity of personality and called his psychology “Individual” psychology to mark the “indivisibility” and holism of personality.  Among other important tenants of his theory is the belief that all individuals strive for a personally determined priority or goal of success.  Adler observed that people strive against any situation (social, psychological, emotional) that appears to relegate them to a position of social inferiority.  He espoused that good mental health requires courage to address the problems that life presents.  His psychology hinges on the ethic of social interest—a feeling of community and a sense that I am connected to those fellow human beings around me.  A concern for social interest helps us all to deal with the challenges of life in a manner that is helpful to anyone who will be touched by the outcome of our behaviors.   Adler’s theory influenced a number of psychological theorists including Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.  The impact of the theory can be seen in Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Positive Psychology and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.