Friday Full Day Workshops 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

1. The Telos Project

Calvin D. Armerding, MA, LPC, Senior Associate, Travelers Rest Counseling Associates, Travelers Rest, SC.

Everyone has an aspirational answer to the question:  “What is the meaning of my life?”  However, it is difficult to answer the question truthfully.  This experiential and didactic workshop explores Adlerian teleology, offering structured lifestyle investigation exercises to demonstrate the discovery of the “telos,” our global, desired ideal. 

2. The Ladder Approach

Wes Wingett, , Ph.D., LMHP, Norfolk, NE.

This didactic and experiential workshop will focus on four phases of the counseling process when working with adolescents and adults.  Adlerian theory will provide the groundwork, encouragement and social interest will provide guidelines as counselor and client work together to move through the phases of Problem, Person, Pattern, and Progress.  Emphasis will be on practical application utilizing Adlerian theory and practice.

3. Funtastic Adlerian Techniques for Change

Rob Guttenberg, MA, Counseling Psychology, LCPC-Supervisor, DNASAP, Mental Health Therapist, Jewish Social Services Agency, Rockville, Maryland, Author.

This workshop demonstrates the power of jokes, metaphors, songs and experiential exercises for demonstrating Adlerian concepts to diverse populations in a variety of settings.  Learn how to apply these motivational techniques in parenting classes, private practice, human relations training or for personal growth in your life.

4. Use of Early Recollections and Dreams, An Experiential Approach

Paul Rasmussen, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, W. J. Dorn VA Medical Center, Columbia, SC.

Early recollections (ERs) and dreams provide one of the best means for revealing lifestyle orientation contained in the unconscious mind.  In this workshop we will discuss the connections and through brief didactics, demonstration, group collaboration and small group exercises explore the meaning in personal ERs and dreams.  Bring your ERs and Dreams ready to discuss!

Friday AM Half Day Workshop 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

5.  Couples Contracts

Daniela Cechova, Ph.D., is a psychologist and an associate professor at the Psychology Department in the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University, and head of the Psychological Institute at the Faculty of Medicine of Slovak Medical University.  She is president of the Slovak Association of Individual Psychology, former president of the International Association of Individual Psychology.  Daniela also works in private practice as a licensed counselor and certificated psychotherapist, and Author, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Couple relationships are among those which can be very satisfying as well as demanding.  The couple contract is based on the unconscious motives, the hidden reasons underlying our partner selection.  When couples engage in therapy, it appears to be helpful to work with them on understanding their couple contract and how it has been changed.  This highly experiential workshop focuses on the participants’ awareness of how the first meeting, first date, early recollections, decision to get married and current issues are interlinked.

Friday PM Half Day Workshop 1:30 – 5:00 pm

6. Beliefs Equate to Movement for the Rich and Famous

James A. Holder, MA, LPC, MAC, Owner, Positive Intentions, Florence, SC.

Early Recollections guide us to the beliefs that precede the movement of the famous.  Their ERs are useful to our understanding of their guiding fictions.  ERs are a predictive metaphor to their perceived rise to superiority.  Participants will have fun in assessing and guessing the identity of well know people through their ERs.


Saturday 75 Minute Presentations

From Childhood Day Dreams to Present Day Reality

Wes Wingett, Ph.D., LMHP, Norfolk NE, and LaShanna Stephens, MS, LPC, CCMHC, ACS, NCC, Sound Advice Counseling, Macon, GA.

This didactic and experiential presentation will focus on the identification of two or three childhood daydreams and will use Adler’s approach to daydreams to help participants examine how those daydreams may impact their lives today.  Emphasis will be on an atmosphere based on equality, empathy, and encouragement as new meaning may evolve from old daydreams.

Not Your Average Ethics Seminar

Calvin D. Armerding, MA, LPC and Lindsay K. Hill, M.Ed., LPC, Senior Associates, Travelers Rest Counseling Associates, Travelers Rest, SC.

Helping professionals regularly discuss the ethical “hot spots” of confidentiality, dual relationships, gifts, etc.  However, there is little conversation about the ethics of counseling practice such as case load size, self-care, or cancellation policies.  This presentation will address these issues using Adlerian ideas of equality, mutual respect, and social interest as guiding principles.

Singing the Unsung:  Women’s Voices in Adlerian Psychology

Bengu Erguner Tekinap, Ph.D., DNASAP, President Elect, NASAP, Professor Counseling Drake University, Des Moines, IA;
Marina Bluvshtein, Ph.D., DNASAP, President International Association of Individual Psychology Professor Adler University, Chicago, IL.

This presentation will revisit past Adlerian women’s contributions with the contemporary eye.  Although Adlerian theory emphasizes equality, social interest, and belonging and is better at recognizing women in its development, pioneer, and contemporary women Adlerians are not at the forefront of our consciousness.  This presentation will focus on how early women Adlerians’ work influenced the foundation of Adlerian theory.

Trauma as Exogenous Factor

Calvin D. Armerding, MA, LPC, Senior Associate Travels Rest Counseling Associates, Travelers Rest, SC.

Adler spoke of the importance of exogenous factors, the things in life that we encounter when unprepared.  Traumatic experiences, in the Adlerian lens, are a particular kind of exogenous factor.  This workshop will outline and demonstrate an Adlerian approach to working with trauma, the importance of lifestyle in the development of post-traumatic symptoms, and Adlerian clinical interventions

Overcoming Power Struggles:  4 Steps to Move from Conflict to Cooperation

Alyson Schafer, MA, Family Counselor, Parent Educator, Host of Canadian TV “The Parenting Show,” International Consultant, Author, Toronto, Canada.

Tired of locking horns with your kids?  Feeling a loss of control when they dawdle or don’t listen?  In this presentation you’ll learn a 4-step process and many new tools to win your child’s co-operation.

Integrating Neuroscience into Adlerian Play Therapy

Courtney Evans, Ph.D.., LCMHC-S, NCC, ACS, RPT-S, BC-TMC, Assistant Professor, Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA.

Research in the field of neuroscience shows the impact of trauma on different regions of the brain.  For therapists working with clients who have experienced traumatic events, it is important to have a modality to conceptualize and to provide efficacious interventions.  According to Adlerian theory, early life influences, such as potentially traumatic events, can have an impact on an individual’s lifestyle (his or her general orientation to life).  This session will focus on the application of neuroscience research in Adlerian play therapy when working with children who have experienced trauma.

Take Adler to the World:  Present Like a Pro to 1 or to 1,000

Kevin O’Connor, Ph.D. Graduate Faculty of Loyola University, Co-leader of NASAP’ Transformative Leadership and Coaching (TLC) Section, Professional Speaker and Teacher of Physician Leaders in the United States and Europe, Author, Chicago, IL

This session is devoted to taking your presentation skills one level up to master your previous experience with public speaking.  This workshop will focus on tips and techniques to make your work with Adlerian ideas more useful due to the way you present to others in person or on Zoom. Join us for a fast, fun, and informative way to improve the way we can all present and more effectively help others know Adler and Dreikurs.

Introduction to Adlerian Psychology:  If Adler Were Here Today

James Robert Bitter, Ed.D., Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Counseling & Human Services, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN.

This is an introduction to the basic principles of Adlerian Psychology [movement, goal-directedness, purpose, the unity of the personality, social interest, and social equality], and processes for understanding children, adolescents, and adults [family constellation, life tasks, and early memories]—and most importantly, how these can be used in clinical and school settings today.

Emotions and Private Logic

Paul Rasmussen, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, W. J. Dorn VA Medical Center, Columbia, SC.

Each emotion serves a unique purpose and the better we understand that purpose, the better we understand private logic.  In this presentation we will discuss the two categories of emotions, the three purposes and the adaptive function of major emotions.  We will use this to help understand private logic reflected in emotional experiences.  A live demonstration will be used to illustrate concepts.

 Adlerian Group Drumming

Jon Sperry, Ph.D., Faculty, Lynn University.  A Staff Therapist at Counseling and Psychological Services, Florida Atlantic University, Past President NASAP, International Consultant, Author, Boca Raton, FL.

Drum and music therapy are holistic interventions that assist individuals and groups to foster social interest and well-being.  Rhythm and music can help individuals experience stress reduction and also connection to others.  As individuals move through time and circumstance, they have the choice to cooperate (maintain rhythm with others) or focus on self-centered strivings (being out of rhythm).  This presentation will review evidence-informed therapeutic group drumming interventions that can be used in educational, therapeutic, and community-based settings.

Mental Health Day

Calvin Armerding, MA, LPC, Senior Associate, and Lindsay K. Hill, M.Ed., LPC, Senior Associate, Travelers Rest Counseling Associates, Travelers Rest, SC.

Adler observed that people are in a constant state of movement:  striving away from a “felt minus” and towards a “felt plus.”  This brief presentation will demonstrate the use of two simple questions during the lifestyle investigation to precisely assess clients’ movement, thereby improving empathic understanding and efficiently assessing lifestyle.

Don’t Bend Over Backwards:  Creating An Inclusive Environment For Those With Disabilities

Co-Presenter:  Blind since birth, Corbb O’Connor works to co-create an equal and joyous world by honoring and teaching others.  He does this though his volunteer advocacy with the National Federation of the Blind, service to others in the ManKind Project, and work with enterprise organizations seeking to ensure their websites don’t exclude those with disabilities.  A graduate of George Washington University’s economics and political communication programs, Corbb frequently presents about digital accessibility, disability inclusion, and marketing performance around the country, Chicago, IL.

Co-Presenter:  Kevin O’Connor, Ph.D., Graduate Faculty of Loyola University, Co-leader of NASAP’S Transformative Leadership and Coaching (TLC) section and professional speaker and teacher of physician leaders in the United States and Europe. Author, Chicago, IL.

Safe environments are a necessary foundation for healing, yet few practitioners know how best to include people with disabilities. Fixing the accidental barriers created by everything from unusable paper forms to verbal gaffes, set you apart, put everyone at ease, and respond to the needs of a diverse community.
Based on their lived and learned experiences, the presenters invite you for a discussion about the language, technology, and perspectives of people with disabilities.

 Assessing Early Recollections

James A. Holder, MA, LPC, MAC, Owner, Positive Intentions, Florence, SC.

Participants will have fun in understanding well known individuals though as assessment of their ERs.

Reflections on Fifty Years As An Adlerian – Video Tape from 2021 Keynote Presentation

Francis X. Walton, Ph.D., Psychologist and International Consultant, Retired, Author. Executive Director, SCSAP, Former President, NASAP, Columbia, SC.

In this videotape of the Keynote Presentation at the 39th S. C. Conference of Adlerian Psychology, Frank Walton shared thoughts about his initial experiences in Adlerian Psychology with Rudolf Dreikurs and his professional journey in the interest of spreading the use of Adlerian Psychology in his career as an international consultant.  Frank will be present to respond to questions at the conclusion of the videotape.

Counseling And The Sacred Space – How Pastoral Counseling Enables The Adlerian Spirit*

Marguerite Urizarri MAPC Student Loyola University, Chicago, IL.

Most human beings (90%+ by most surveys) believe in God or a greater power.  Private logic rooted in a spiritual practice can lead to guilt, shame, or anxiety.  We will discuss the alignment of Adlerian principles with Christian/Judean spirituality to show the opportunity to invite the Spirit into the counseling room.

Mindful and Body-full Self Care:  Discovering Your Rituals

Patti Walton Agatston, Ph.D., LPC, RYT-200, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Registered Yoga Teacher, and Owner of Another Path Counseling and Wellness.  A former Crisis Coordinator for the Cobb County School District in suburban Atlanta, she worked with students and staff impacted by grief, loss, and trauma, and instituted self-care Wednesdays for staff, Powder Springs, GA.

In these times we need self-care strategies as much as our clients.  Top-down cognitive approaches are often not sufficient to reduce stress and anxiety.  Making use of grounding, movement, breathwork, and mindfulness based self-compassion strategies can allow our clients and us to move through difficult times and feelings with a greater sense of ease, and less-reactivity.


Sunday Workshops 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

A.  How Shall We Live? -An Adlerian Invitation to Mindfully Map Our Memory of the Future:  Tapping into the Deep Roots of Belonging to the World and Each Other

Pepper Sarnoff, LPC LMFDT, NCC, Charleston, SC.

Adler said “each new generation struggles afresh with old and new tasks.”  Through improvisational encounter and interactive dialog, we’ll examine some of those struggles though movement and role-play to see what we can learn.

B.  An Adlerian Perspective on Common Psychopathologies Among Children and Adolescents

Alyson Schafer, MA, Family Counselor and Parent Educator, Host of “The Parenting Show” on Canadian Broadcast Network,  International Consultant, Author, Toronto, Canada.

Jon Sperry, Ph.D. Faculty Lynn University.  A Staff Therapist at Counseling and Psychological Services, Florida Atlanta University, Past President, NASAP, International Consultant Author, Boca Raton, FL.

Dr. Alfred Adler identified that safeguarding is often the goal of various behaviors, symptoms, and emotions.  This workshop will examine the conceptualization of mental health disorders and emotions from an Adlerian perspective.  Assessment, conceptualization, and treatment implications of common psychopathologies among children and adolescents will be reviewed.

C.  Adler and Gottman:  Why Marital Relationships Need a Good Underlying Friendship

LaShanna Stephens, MS,. LPC CCMHC, ACS, NCC, Sound Advice Counseling, Macon, GA.

In this interactive program, participants will gain an understanding of the principles behind Adlerian marital and relationship counseling as well as those underlying Gottman Couples Therapy Method.

D.  Keep Lights On Without Burning Out

Marina Bluvshtein, Ph.D. , DNASAP, President International Association of Individual Psychology, Professor, Adler University, Chicago, IL.

This workshop addresses the Adlerian approach to issues related to burnout, compassionate fatigue, and vicarious trauma that helping professionals face in their daily life, especially during times of mass crises.  In a mini-lecture followed by a live demonstration, participants will identify sources of burnout, risk, protective factors, as well as interventions – all from an Adlerian perspective.

E.  Adlerian Counseling: The First Hour

James Robert Bitter, Ed.D., Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Counseling & Human Services, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN.

This workshop is a demonstration presentation on how counselors can prepare with, orient to, and exact an Adlerian therapeutic process for clinical mental health.  This model uses of emotion, an understanding of movement and lifestyle, and the creation of meaning in therapy.  A focus on precipitants, predispositions, and perpetuants are emphasized as a thinking mode.